
Here’s your roadmap for the semester! Note: this will inevitably change throughout the semester as we develop the course together. Please visit this page regularly throughout the semester.


The class is structured with three distinct bits. On Tuesday I will provide an overview of the topic for the week. On Thursday we will work through a hands-on example to gain programming experience. Finally, each week outside of class you will complete readings and homework assignments (and other assignments later in the semester).

  • Content (): This page contains readings, guiding questions, and lecture slides for each topic.

  • Examples (): This page contains the material that we will cover in Thursday classes.

  • Assignments (): This page contains the instructions for completing assignments.


You should follow this general process each week:

  • Do readings listed on the content page before Tuesday
  • Tuesday: come to class
  • Thursday: come to class, where we will work through examples
  • Work on the lab before the next Tuesday’s class, attending office hours as needed
  • Monday: submit lab on canvas by 11:59pm

Programming Foundations Content Example Assignment
Week 1 Welcome to AEM 2850!
Intro to R, RStudio, and Quarto
Week 2 Welcome to the tidyverse
Data transformation with dplyr
Week 3 Data import
Data tidying
Week 4 Joins
Week 5 Strings and regular expressions
February break: no class on Feb 18
Week 6 Strings and regular expressions (cont.)
Prelim 1
Feb 27 in class Prelim 1 in class
Data Visualization Foundations Content Example Assignment
Week 7 Mapping data to graphics
Week 8 Proportions
Week 9 Time
Working with dates and times
Week 10 Relationships
Spring break: no class on April 1, 3
Special Topics Content Example Assignment
Week 11 Functions and iteration
Apr 11 at 11:59PM Group project due
Week 12 Web scraping
Week 13 Space
Week 14 Text
May 6 in class Prelim 2 in class