- Office hours
- TAs will hold office hours Wednesday, Feb 26 (see canvas)
- Prelim 1
- Will be similar in structure to homework assignments, though slightly more open-ended questions and less direct guidance
- We will not provide scaffolded code
- Prelim will be distributed on Posit Cloud at class start time
- Complete and submit via canvas by class end time (penalties may apply)
- Instructions:
- You must complete Prelim 1 in person in our assigned classroom during class
- Prelim 1 is open book and open internet, but do not communicate with classmates
- Do not use functions or other syntax that we have not explicitly covered in the course slides or in-class examples
- Do not use packages outside the
packages we have already loaded for you
- When done, upload BOTH your .qmd and .pdf files to canvas
- Additional Notes:
- The prelim is 100 points total, and each question states the number of points it is worth
- Render early and often to avoid wasting time sorting out what code needs debugging
- We will give partial credit if your answers are incomplete, especially if you provide comments or text that describes the logic of what you would do if you had more time
- If you have trouble rendering your document, do not delete your work in progress code. That will make it hard for us to give you partial credit. Instead, you can:
- Comment out problematic code using
or keyboard shortcut Cntrl/Cmd-Shift-C
- Replace
with {r, eval = FALSE}
at the top of the relevant code chunk
- Ask questions!
- GRADE PENALTIES AND/OR REFERRALS TO THE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY HEARING BOARD MAY APPLY if you fail to follow any instructions listed here or violate any policies listed on the syllabus
Plan for today
- Questions? :raising_hand_woman:
- Navigate to and open the project
in our course workspace
- Work through
in example-05
- Solutions will be posted after class