Assignment overview

You will get the most of out this class if you:

  1. Engage with the readings and lecture materials
  2. Regularly use R

Each type of assignment in this class helps with one of these strategies.


Each week in class we will learn about how to do specific tasks in R. However, without practicing these principles and making graphics on your own, you won’t remember what you learn.

To practice, you will complete a brief set of exercises each week. These exercises will have about 8 short questions that are directly related to the topic for the week. You need to show that you made a good faith effort to work through each question. There may also be a final question which requires significantly more thought and work. This will be where you get to show some creativity and stretch your abilities.

You may work together on the homework assignments, but you must turn in your own answers. The default method will be to write these using Quarto, knit the completed homework to a PDF document, and submit the resulting PDF file via canvas.


We will have 2 in-class prelims throughout the semester. Tentative dates for the in-class prelims are listed on the schedule. Note: these dates subject to change. More information will be provided later.

Group project

To give you practice with the data and design principles you’ll learn in this class, you will complete a project in which you apply what you have learned to real-world data. These will be group projects. More details will be provided later.

Class participation

Class participation and regular attendance is expected. Excessive absences and failure to complete weekly in-class examples will impact your final grade. There is no penalty for the first three absences (except for the in-class prelims, which are mandatory). If you miss class, you are still expected to complete the in-class examples for any classes that you miss. You do not need to notify the instructor that you will miss class unless you anticipate missing more than three classes.